Examinations in Screen Acting

MN Graded Examinations in Screen Acting are unique. They offer a new perspective on acting and develop skills, imagination and stylistic qualities unique to film, television, gaming and the special effects industries.

Our objective is the personal development and engagement of our learners, while preparing them for potential employment in the Film and TV sector – a major contributor to the UK creative industries economy and one of the UK’s strongest (growing) global markets. MN Awards in Screen Acting help people to learn screen specific skills and develop confidence performing and presenting to a camera.

The key difference in comparison to existing graded Theatre exams is firstly in content and delivery, the second is during the assessment process. Learners are not graded via in-person face-to-face performance, MN Awards are examined via live remote assessment or pre-recorded submissions (Centres only) to replicate the Film and TV experience, all learners are examined remotely via our Online Portal. This reflects today’s industry standards: performers are expected to self-tape for auditions/castings with an ever-increasing frequency.

By entering examinations with MN Awards, learners are not only expanding their performance skills and knowledge; they are also developing practical skills needed for a career in Screen Acting

The examination structure remains the same throughout the grades, but the skills learnt cross all areas of the industry including green screen, mo-cap, riffing, taking direction and developing an understanding of continuity, for example. As learners work their way through the grades, they are challenged in increasingly complex tasks. This results in a safe and supportive environment for learners to explore their newfound skills at their own pace, exposing them to new worlds, while developing a genuine understanding of how modern screen acting differs from its theatrical cousin.

The MN Graded Examinations in Screen Acting will bridge this gap between the two creative industries of Film and Theatre, allowing learners to develop a well-rounded understanding of the complementing skills and knowledge.

The Business Side 
Groups Sessions – £12 per students
Time: TBC with each student
Sessions last 30 minutes
Exam costs are set annually by MC and you will always be notified before you commit to the exam.

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